Saturday, March 15, 2014

(Brief) Initial Reaction to Berlin

This is going to be a short one, but I am absolutely in love with the city of Berlin. I actually can't believe I am finally here, a place that I have been dreaming about for the past six months. I am developing a bit of a British accent because I spend most of my days with three new friends from Yorkshire/Manchester! Berlin is really a livable (and affordable!) city, and I couldnt be more excited to have picked this city to study abroad in, especially when I had the option of going anywhere in the world. There is so much (recent) history around me, and its fantastic to be able to experience it with so many other international students. There are about fifty international students living in the same student housing complex as me, and a few hundred at HWR--or the Berlin School of Economics and Law where I am studying.  Last night, the Erasmus students threw the first party of the year. It was amazing being in a room full of people from literally all around the world. I was with people from Brazil, the UK, South Korea, Hungary, the Netherlands, Australia, and France, and it was an amazing feeling.

After throwing away my flatmates food the first day I met him,  we have definitely moved past the awkward encounter, and have bonded over YouTube parody videos, learning each others' slang, and stealing a microwave.  My favorite part about Eichkamp is that we don't have televisions, and have a very poor internet connection. Although REALLY inconvenient at times, this forces us to interact with our neighbors, make new friends, and really get to know one another; instead of watching movies or tweeting about our day, we play pool and just hang out. This also forces us to go out and to explore the wonderful city which we are temporarily living in. And isnt that what studying abroad is about in the first place?

I cannot wait to see what this city has in store for me.

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